How to Achieve a Realistic Concrete Texture in Blender?


I’m trying to recreate the texture of a concrete block (see attached reference image) in Blender. I’ve modeled the block and used Shader Nodes to create the texture, but the render doesn’t look realistic.

Here’s my current setup:

Nodes used: Texture Coordinate, Mapping, Noise Texture, Color Ramp, and Bump. The texture is supposed to imitate rough concrete similar to the reference, but the details and realism are lacking. Could anyone guide me on how to improve the node setup to achieve a texture close to the reference image?

Thanks in advance for your help!.

Screenshot of shader nodes setup:

Screenshot of Bloc concrete:

It seems it is made out of small roundish particles/aggregate stuck in cement so voronoi texture is perfect for this:

Bump maps can only go so far though. If I needed a "hero" shot of the brick like for a product visualization, I would go for simulating the actual surface with geometry nodes.

My idea is:

Example 1:

The depth of the holes is limited because the mesh is flat and we're using "normals" only. If you want very detailed holes with detailed zoom, you will need the material settings to be changed to "displacement and bump" and subdivide the mesh very very much. Then you use the "displacement" socket of the output.

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